Awarded the IRC post Doctoral ‘New Foundations Grant’

Just found out that I was awarded the IRC post Doctoral Award New Foundations, this is very exciting because it allows me for the first time to work creatively with the theoretical ideas formed during the PhD. I will be working with older people in a performance context, I will be teaching them audio recording and editing for live sound performance and/or installation. Cannot wait…

Finished the PhD 2014

So on Friday the 21st of February, I attended my Viva Voce, or for those who are unfamiliar with that term, my PhD Defence. My external examiner was the acclaimed and really nice academic, Professor Michael Bull. I have to say the whole experience was thoroughly engaging and challenging and most importantly I received excellent feedback (I also passed incredibly well, so really delighted). The next step now is a possible publication, I have been asked by Professor Bull to contribute a chapter to the 2nd edition of the Auditory Culture Reader, subject to approval, so watch this space…

Soundstudies Blog article 2014

Smithfield Horse Fair 2013

Smithfield Horse Fair 2013

I was recently asked to write a short article based on some of the key findings from my PhD research. I found it an interesting challenge to write something so short and concise after spending four years trying to write over a 100,000 words. It proved to be a good way to think about articulating key ideas in small blocks. The blog also allowed for the inclusion of audio recordings. For a read of this paper titled “(Sound)Walking Through Smithfield Square in Dublin” go to this link